Friday, April 04, 2008

Mergers & Acquisitions// Collaborative show in Los Angeles

Hello everyone!
Our next show opens next Friday in LA at Thinkspace Gallery. You can see the work here:
*Please direct any sales inquiries to Thinkspace galleryThe majority of the work for this show is collaborative; there are a few small paintings and customs done individually.We will be in LA for the opening, so if you are in town, please stop by and say hello

***Also, I have a limited number of Blue ’Benny and Red Bird’ Vinyl Artist toy sets left. They are $150 per set (+ shipping) and each comes signed with with a hand-drawn sharpie sketch on the back of the box plus 3 oversize postcard prints. If you would like one, please let me know asap. Limit one per household

----------April 19-20 we will be in New York for Comicon. We will be signing sometime on Saturday at the MINDstyle booth. Brandt will be releasing his 16’ Black on Black Vintage Slappy figure and I’ll have a few surprises there as well.